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The Graphic Design 3 course invites students to branding design, focusing on the practical development of visual, verbal, and conceptual elements of a corporate identity. Students are required to create logos, develop a visual identity, and apply an integrated communication system that supports brand development for the selected business. All projects build on the previous ones and are structured to complete a cohesive branding as a final deliverable, demonstrating strategic visual communication for a corporate identity system. At this level, students are required to incorporate both design research and market research at the beginning of the design process to make informed decisions on visual directions.
Through this course, students gain a better understanding of  01) 
Brand design principles and research methods for identity development.  02) Components of the visual identity system and strategies to establish solid branding.  03) Working for businesses and understanding their target audiences.

NHN-Design specializes in art direction, visual identities, graphic design, and design research. Read more
For project inquiries and more information, please get in touch at


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